Planning for Death and Burial

Date: Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm
Location: Lexington Opera House - 401 W. Short St, Lexington
Speaker: Virginia Zoller - Kerr Brothers Funeral Home, Lexington, KY

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WHAT:     Planning for Death and Burial

WHO:      Virginia Zoller - Kerr Brothers Funeral Home, Lexington, KY

WHERE:  Lexington Opera House - 401 W. Short St (3rd Floor), Lexington, KY

WHEN:    Tuesday, September 5, 2023 - 11:30 AM-1:00 PM

COST:     $20 for members, $25 for guests 

We would like to welcome you back (and say a huge hello and welcome to all of our new members) to the 2023-2024 season of the Bluegrass Estate Planning Council!  Our Board has worked diligently throughout the summer to bring you a wonderful calendar of programs.  You can find the full list on our website located here:

For our first meeting, we are happy to welcome Virginia Zoller from Kerr Brothers Funeral Home right here in Lexington to speak on the topic of Planning for Death and Burial.  Kerr Brothers has been a vital part of Lexington since 1905 and is now on its fourth generation of ownership providing all formats of funeral services and planning at two different locations.

Please note that our usual meeting location is undergoing major renovations; therefore, this meeting will be held at the historic Lexington Opera House on the 3rd floor, which is located at 401 W. Short Street.  Limited street parking is available around the Opera House, with a paid parking lot and a parking garage located directly across Broadway.  A buffet lunch with be served.  The cost of this meeting is $20 for members and $25 for guests. 

If you wish to attend this meeting, you must RSVP no later than 5:00 PM on Friday, September 1st  by either clicking this link -  - or by replying directly to this email.  Please be sure to RSVP so that we have plenty of space and food for everyone.  Those who come to the meeting having not RSVP'd may run the risk of being turned away at the door if there is not enough space, so please be sure to RSVP even if you have pre-paid your lunches for the year.  You may cancel your reservations up to the time of the event.

If you will be bringing a guest, please be sure that I have their name so that a nametag can be prepared for them.

Just as a reminder, if you have not renewed your membership yet, you are welcome to do so at the door on Tuesday or renew online.  Please be aware that anyone not renewing by October 1, 2023, will be removed from the membership and email distribution lists.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, September 5th, from 11:30-1:00 at the Lexington Opera House!

Melissa Gregory, Council Executive

~We LOVE our sponsors and are now taking applications for Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze Sponsor levels.  Your company name could appear here in future mailings!:~


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