Date: Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm

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Dear BGEPC Members:

Due to unforeseen circumstances with our slated speaker for next Tuesday's Zoom meeting, we are sad to inform you that the April 2nd meeting has been CANCELED.  As a reminder, we normally do not have an April meeting at all, and your dues are based on our regular in-person meetings from September through March plus May.  We had planned on the Zoom meeting just as an added bonus for those who were looking for a learning opportunity in April.  We are very sorry that this will not be able to happen at this time but will try to do it again at a later date.  Thank you so much for your understanding in this matter!

Please be on the lookout for more information to arrive in your inbox in the next couple of weeks regarding our May outing to end this excellent program year!  We hope you will "save the date" of Tuesday, May 7th, for a great upcoming service and learning opportunity.

Thank you,

Melissa Gregory, Council Executive

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